crazy wierd
crazy wierd
went to far with the interview at the end, coulda defenatly done without. Other than that very well done
me like.....
i fuckin hate stick but that was pretty good
BORING zzzz.... zzzzz.... zzzz.....
good graphics though just need more action or any action
you make opra man proud
Sì, l' uomo di opera sarebbe molto fiero.
go back and read your history book. cause russia tried to invade the taliban for 10 years. And the osama fad is getting old skol
frigin 10....
i thought i was the only one who saw poop monkeys
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ummmm.... beef sticks, us bums arnt choosy
Age 100, Male
"hard knocks"
streets of cookeville, TN
Joined on 8/27/01